Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Surgery can be a scary thing. No one wants to go under the knife if they don’t have to. You put it off as long as you can and then you have to face it. You make preparations and get things set up the best you can and then it’s time for the day. But as much as you prepare and get things in order you still take your beating heart into that surgery room as they wheel you in. Here are some thoughts from God’s Word so your soul will be at peace for that important operation.
BEFORE SURGERY: Fear may be the worst emotion you face as you think about surgery. Your mind can go wild in thinking about all the worst case scenarios. The doctors have to tell you the risks and when you do your own research there are stories out there that can make you horribly anxious. But here is a promise from God’s Word: (2 Tim 1:7) For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Isn’t that a great promise? God doesn’t want you to be caught up in a spirit of fear. He wants to give you His power when you feel powerless…His love which will settle your run-away emotions, and a sound and disciplined mind-set so your thoughts will be under control.
Think also how the Lord is with you, both now and always. (Isa 41:10) Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ (Isa 43:2) When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.
DURING SURGERY: During surgery you will be in la-la-land but in reality you will be in God’s hands. It will be the surgical team that will be doing a skillful job on you but remember every gift comes from the Lord. These doctors and nurses studied hard in medical school and have put in lots of hours of training and have built a good reputation that people can trust. But remember that all good things come from the Lord (Jms 1:17). God will guide the surgeon’s hands. The Lord’s presence will be in that room and angels will be guarding you (Psa 91:11).
AFTER SURGERY: When you wake up from surgery you will become gradually aware of your surroundings and the post operation team will assure you of your success. It will be time to thank the Lord for pulling you through. (Exo 15:26)…For I am the LORD who heals you.” You will be sore but that’s good. It means the healing is beginning. You will stay as long as you need to and then you will be sent home with instructions for rest and a recovery plan. You will need patience as you make your way back but think of the time you will have to pray and read your Bible and to get close to the Lord. It will also be a good time to evaluate life and the direction you are heading. You will emerge into everyday life with a stronger focus than ever and ready to execute God’s plan for your life. You will be grateful for every little thing because you will be glad you made it through surgery safely unto a better quality of life to serve God and others.

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