Monday, January 31, 2011


After our two day delay in Atlanta, Cheryl and I finally made it to Uganda. The airlines lost our baggage again but we trusted God that He would provide for us and we could make do with what we had on. We drove three hours north to Luwero to see Valerie at New Hope Uganda. It was so good to see her. She has been fighting malaria but was gaining strength day by day. She is studying at the institute and learning a lot about ministry to orphans, especially in the context of Africa.
This is where Valerie lives!

This is inside Val's room. Notice some of her Calvary Norco items: A picture of Mission Training School, Gracie and her balloons, church bulletin, and through the Bible in a year program.


Cheryl and Valerie helping aunt Betty sort beans.
Pastor Rony and wife Blessing. Good friends of Valerie.

We spent time clearing weeds one morning for planting.


Valerie is overjoyed at Ryan's love gift. We brought it from California. Our luggage was finally delivered and we were able to present this to her before we left for South Africa. It was hard to say good bye to Valerie but we knew it was time to divide and conquer for the kingdom.


-----------SOUTH AFRICA----------

We flew 4 1/2 hours to Johannesburg, South Africa to see Jan Pane, one of our GO! missionaries out of Calvary Chapel San Jose, CA. What a joy to see her! She has been here four years and her ministry is to AIDS/HIV orphan children.

Here is Jan visiting the children at Christ Church where she lived and served two months.

This video explains about Jan's heart for the township of Mountainview outside of Johannesburg. There is a school there that need much help and Jan does what she can to provide basic needs.

This pastor Gibson and his wife Dora. We had sweet fellowship with them and their family. Gibson took us around Johannesburg and told us the history of Aparteid. He was apart of this stuggle for racial equality and still has a bullet in his arm.

Gibson took us to the Hector Pieterson museum. We learned so much about the history of Aparteid in South Africa and about Nelson Mandela who suffered and won the cause for equal rights for all in this country.


Jan attends Calvary Chapel Johannesburg. We attended the midweek service and met some wonderful saints. The church meets in a tent. I had the blessed opportunity to share about the Great Commisson (Mat 28:18-20).
The worship was wonderful!
Pastor Chad and Heather Naaktgeboren. Their sending church is Calvary Chapel First Love in Whittier, CA. They're doing a great work for the Lord. In addition to the church they also have a Christ centered drug and alcohol ministry on the property.
Jan wanted to take Cheryl and I to Lion Park. It was thrilling to see the native animals where they used to roam freely!

Saying goodbye to Jan at the airport. Always so sad to part from our missionaries...our modern day heroes!
Thanks to all for your prayers!
You can hear a brief audio of our wonderful trip from last Sunday's message at CCNorco entitled Red Letter Edition.

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