Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today we rose early to be ready for breakfast at 7am and then 8am devotions with the Adventure Learning Centre (ALC) staff. I had the privilege of teaching about God’s grace from 1 Chronicles 17 where David wanted to build a temple for God. God said no, I want to build you a house, David. You will always have a son to sit on the throne of Judah. David was blown away by God’s grace. And sure enough, his descendants ruled down the line. And when Jesus came this promise was fulfilled completely because Jesus is the son of David! I love God’s grace.

This is Ed Yuhas and Andrew Ruiz, two of our GO! missionaries who were our hosts.

We experienced God’s grace all throughout the day. After devotions we went to a woman’s house who has a special needs child in her twenty’s that was abused and raped and became pregnant. Her house is dilapidated but the Adventure Learning Center has outreaches to the poor and neglected in the community. A group of teenagers from the states came in and worked with ALC to put on a new roof for her because it was leaking so much. The inside is partially gutted and plans are to bring in another group to finish off her house and give this family a decent dwelling. Currently there is no electricity or water. And it is hot and humid! This family knows and trusts in the Lord!

(Psa 32:10) .. But he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him


Next…we went to a poor church that has a building project going on to renovate the chapel. It’s a Haitian church. The Haitians are the despised and looked down upon in the Bahamas. ALC is reaching out and letting the Haitian people that Jesus cares!


Then afterward we went to a government facility that has daycare for the handicapped. Once a week ALC goes in and spends time with the clients. They talk and interact with them and let them know they are loved by others and mostly by the Lord. We were able to go into a room of severely disabled Bahamians in their teens and twenties. I was not able to take pictures but what I saw will forever be stamped on my mind.

After we filled up the van with gas (appr. $5.00 a gallon!) we grabbed some lunch (Bahamian fish and chips) and made our way back to ALC where we spent more time with the Bahamian children and ALC staff. Kelsey and her friend Kelsie interacted a bit with the children and their water games. A great way to cool off in the afternoon heat!


As I was blogging the electricity went off. Ed, the director of ALC, said that is common and can last from about ten minutes to three hours. This brings up a point. Little did we know that this vacation island has so many needs! The tourists are on the other side of the island in nice resorts. But there is a poor side that I never knew about. We saw it right away as we were driving to ALC and had to go through the real Bahamian neighborhoods. I’m so glad I came to discover this and I will now pray more for these dear people. There’s always “the other side” that you don’t usually hear about. “Open my eyes, Lord, to the needs around me that I may bring Jesus to the needy.”

God’s grace covered the day. Thank you Lord for your amazing grace!

(1 Cor 15:10) But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.


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