Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We checked out of our Tel Aviv hotel and drove north to the costal town of Cesarea. This is where Peter preached to Cornelius' household. Also Paul was in prison here for two years until he appealed to Cesar and was sent to Rome.


I am so blessed to have Cheryl with me. It's her first time in Israel!
This is a statue of Elijah who slew the 450 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel.
Here at Megiddo pastor Chuck and Don Stewart did a Pastor's Perspective program on the topic of Bible prophecy. Megiddo is the place where the armies of the world will converge for the last battle of Armaggedon.
This is the city of Nazareth where Jesus was raised. Of course it looks a lot different today than it did back then!

Pastor Chuck sits down next to Cheryl. Dean and Gaby are in the background.
On we went to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee and checked into a new hotel. What a great day in the Lord in the Holy Land!

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