Friday, December 4, 2009


Last night's midweek service was very special. Cesar Rodriguez was in from Sayluita, Mexico and led worship with the McKee sisters (Sarah and Rachel). Then Sharon Porterfield shared her video of her ministry in Thailand to the Karen refugees. Afterwards she fielded questions from the audience about the plight of the Karen and how we can pray and act. Then we had open prayer for Sharon and many supplications went up to the Lord on her behalf. Following we had a special time of communion and worship, singing song after song. The mingling after service concluded continued on and we finally had to just close up the church!

The Spirit is moving in our midst. The Lord is doing a great work.

The message from the Word prior to the Lord's table was from Galatians 6:2..."Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." From there we turned to Isaiah 53:3-6 and shared how the Lord bore our burden of sin on the cross. The theme from the Lord seemed to be that Jesus bore our sins on the cross and now we are free from that heavy load. As a result we can bear one another's burdens in His law of love. Praise the Lord!

Here is a video of Cesar and Sarah and Rachel McKee leading us in worship last night.


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