Monday, December 21, 2009


Today Rick and I spent some time together while Lindsay and Cindy went to a woman's prayer meeting and then did some shopping together. We stopped by this Moravian church and met this female pastor named Jan. The Moravians were one of the first missionaries and were an inspiration to John Wesley to bring him to the Lord. She showed us the church which is 250 years old and has an active congregation and private school.
Rick then took me by the future location of the church. In just three weeks Harvest will take on a lease in this former Curves building. The running joke is that the believers will really be getting into shape here at this church!
(1 Tim 4:8) For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.


Rick and I then drove into Belfast and took a tour of the shipping yard where the Titanic was built. Here you see the dry dock area and the facility behind it that was the basis for the operations. We learned so much about it's history and fate. I couldn't help but think that this "unsinkable" ship is so much like the pride in our lives! A few scriptures came to mind:
(Prov 16:18) Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
(1 Cor 10:12) Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.


We then hooked up with Lindsay and Cindy and drove out to a couple's house for fellowship. It was an intimate gathering where we ate some goodies and talked and got to know each other. We then worshipped the Lord and sang some songs we did and didn't know. The music was provided by pastor William and his wife Rebecca.

At the end of the worship time we had a lively time watching Rebecca play the celtic fiddle!

This is pastor William and Steph signing the lease on the new church facility. What a great chapter in the life and history of this church.


We really hit the "craik" (pronounced "crack") tonight as they say in Ireland. That means we had a great time of being together and enjoying each other's company.


One more full day in Ireland and then home we go for Christmas! Thank you all for your continued prayers. We love and miss you and will see you soon!


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