Thursday, November 5, 2009


Here's a testimony from Jon Newland who my dad led to the Lord:

I had the amazing experience to encounter Bill & Mavis at LAX in 1982. I was standing on the curb, May 23, waiting for the bus to get my car in parking lot C. After a brief conversation about why we were there Bill asked me if I was a Christian. My surprising response was "I'm not sure what that means." Not surprising, Bill was willing to explain it to me. After sharing the Gospel, he asked me if I wanted to pray to receive Christ. I said yes and he led me to pray; in the midst of busses and cars driving by, planes landing, jack-hammering (LAX was being remodeled for the LA Olympics in 1984). Looking back, it seemed like I was on a deserted island, total peace. I prayed, they gave me a Bible, wrote some verses (including Romans 8:9-10) along with their name, I got on the bus and didn't give it a lot of thought.

I was changing jobs, moving from San Luis Obispo to San Diego and didn't really understand the significance, but God in His faithfulness gave me a desire to find a church in San Diego. We knew no one there and it seemed like a good way to get to know people. We had attended church in San Luis Obispo when our 2 daughters were young, but I don't believe I had ever heard the Gospel. A lady where my wife worked in San Diego invited us to her Church, New Hope. It wasn't until 20 years later that we discovered the Pastor who started New Hope, Joe Rhodes, was in Bill's Sunday School class when he was in grade school. We had just completed a 30+ week series on God's passion for His glory and I could see His sovereignty at work in my life. I was able to reconnect with Bill and Mavis after all the years and thank them for their faithfulness and availablitiy to serve Jesus Christ. I am grateful to the Lord for sending His faithful servant to ask me the question. I value their friendship and am honored to share eternal life with those who have gone before. I am looking forward to once again embracing my Brother and fellow heir one day soon. In the meantime, Bill, you will be greatly missed.

(Other tributes to my dad are found on by clicking here)

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