Friday, October 2, 2009


Isaiah 6:8-9 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” And He said, “Go, and tell this people...

Last night Christopher Mills shared at our midweek study about his ministry in Thailand. Chris is a missionary from CCNorco. He gave us an update that included his first calling to Thailand up to the present. He shared a great video that included pics of the Karen refugees and their plight. Chris serves with an organization called "God's Kids" which reaches out practically to needy children in Thailand. He has learned the Thai language and even read a Bible verse which impressed us all with his abilities to speak this difficult-to-learn foreign language. Chris serves the Karen but is also growing in his love and ministry to the Thai people. He now is based in the Bangkok area and attends a Thai church there that is also interested in outreach.

Please keep Chris in your prayers. He will be visiting friends and churches through November when he returns to resume his ministry in Thailand.

Here are some pics of the ever affable and friendly Chris Mills:

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Chris and the outreach he has worked with. The devotion to help others is always admirable, but the dedication to lead others to Christ is the awesome love of God. A true pied piper to Gods word. I want to personally thank you Chris for your tenacity, and character. May God bless you as he uses you to bless others. Praise God in all things and give Him thanks. For He is good and his mercy endures forever. Thanks Chris. Patrck
