Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Last night we were so tired from the long day that the heat did not bother us while sleeping. We got up and spent time with our GO! missionaries Garrie and Jackie Price. Mostly we just talked. Then Garrie and I got hotdogs at Costco. He was having problems with his cellphone so the Lord laid it on my heart to buy him a new cellphone. We looked at a cellphone shop and then landed at Sam's Club where we got a good deal and the right phone he needed. It really made my day and I don't know who was happier...him or me!

(Gen 12:2).. I will bless you...And you shall be a blessing.


Cheryl and I were able to steal away a few hours to eat dinner at a nice and reasonable place and had fish. The sun set and then a full moon came up. We walked along the beach a little and then took a taxi back to the Prices's home.


Tomorrow we leave for Puerto Vallarta to meet up with our Mission Training School students as they are serving the Lord there. Thanks for your prayers!!


1 comment:

  1. OLá, visitei seu blog! gostei muito!
    Grande abraço!
