Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today (WED) was a museum day. We went to the famous Lourve where we saw many famous paintings.
Outside view of the Lourve Museum
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. There were other paintings by the Italian masters, etc. And also the statue of Venus de Milo but that would be R-rated so let me skip that!
Vincent van Gogh self portrait

Claude Monet

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Whistler's Mother by James McNeill Whistler. We thought this was funny when we downloaded this pic because with the frame it looks like you're watching TV!

After visiting the museums it was time for a snack. So what would be the ticket? How about French crepes with cappuccino at a cafe with a view of the Lourve? Somebody pinch me!
After walking further to the Opera House (built in the Napoleon era) we took the Metro to attend the midweek study of Calvary Chapel Paris. The meeting was in a home. We worshipped, watched a video entitled "Privileged Planet" on intelligent design and people made comments afterward. It was so great to be with believers who love the Lord in Paris!

To end another spectaculor day we took the Metro to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. We were told that an extra bonus would be to get there on the hour to see a light show that goes on for five minutes. We made it just in time! We then hopped on the Metro and made our way back to the hotel. This psalm sums up how we feel about our day.

(Psa 92:1-2) It is good to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; {2} To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night,

We are having a fabulous time as a family. We want to thank you for your ongoing prayers. God bless you and we love you!


1 comment:

  1. Where in the world is the Monteith family? Looks like today y'all are Four Americans in Paris! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I've had a wonderful visual tour of Spain and France. The sights are remarkable. May the LORD continue to bless and protect you during your travels. Keep the pics/video coming... It's my free summer European tour :)
    Adieu, Abby
