Monday, June 29, 2009


Here's "Sunny" our wall fountain by our front door welcoming us back home. Kelsey figured our three flights with connections from Spain to home were 28 hours. We arrived back at LAX and the airlines lost our baggage! We had to make a claim and we eventually arrived home a little after midnight. The next morning we received a very warm reception from the flock of Calvary Chapel Norco and had three great services with the Spiriti moving in our midst. There's no place like home! Thanks again for all of your prayers. We are excited to dive right back into the ministry. This week is Vacation Bible School (VBS) and next week we start our six-week Mission Training School. The next mission trip outreach will be August 1-8 with the students from MTS in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where Cesar Rodriguez (missionary from CCN) and the Cathey family (GO! missionaries) serve. Jesus said to GO! so we keep going as the Lord opens the doors of opportunity. Let's go forward together as we seek to win our world to Jesus!
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “GO into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
P.S. Our baggage was delivered last night to our home!

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