Sunday, March 1, 2009


This morning Jeremy and Sarah Britton announced their leaving for the mission field the end of March. They have been serving our Youth here at CCNorco for years and will be missed. They will be "homeland" missionaries serving in Julian, CA. They will be serving in ministry to youth at Camp Alandale. Camp Alandale is a Christian camp which ministers to abused and neglected children through a mountain camping program. They will live on the camp premises and Sarah will home school Luke and Allison.

We will miss the Britton family. Well done Jeremy and Sarah!

(Isa 43:19) Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? ...

Jason Davitt will take over the Youth ministry. And Jose Mendoza will teach Jason's Wednesday evening Bible study.

Changes are hard...but good! God's stirring things up. I'm excited for the future!!

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