Friday, January 9, 2009


Here's a little view of the Calvary Chapel Mission's Conference. It's the last song of the last meeting yesterday. It's a song by Scott Cuninngham entitled "Til The Whole World Hears." We're all excited to go back to our areas of service.

Here's a video of Scott Cunningham singing Til the Whole Word hears. You'll be inspired to share your faith in Jesus!

(Mark 16:15) And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.


Here's the lyrics to the song:

‘Till The Whole World Hears
By Scott Cunningham

For we know that You and You alone are God who saves
And our hope is in the promises that You have made
For young and old who’ll bow the knee and call Your name
We’ll rise and pray, we’ll rise and pray

Oh Lord we pray that you would send the laborers
For the harvest truly is awaiting gatherers
The world is dying without our Deliverer
We’ll rise and pray, we’ll rise and pray

‘Till the whole world hears ‘till the whole world knows
Lord send us where You would have us go
‘Till the lost world hears ‘till the last one knows
The grace of God, the love that You have shown
‘Till the whole world hears

Oh rise up Christian, stand, you are victorious
For we know that He has made us more than conquerors
The enemy, he has no power over us
We’ll rise and pray, we’ll rise and pray

Oh stir us up, and burn the fire, and fan the flames
With a passion just to follow You and preach Your name
Oh Lord that You would rise and work within our days
We’ll rise and pray, We’ll rise and pray

We’ll live by faith
We want to live by faith in Jesus
The just shall live by faith We want to live by faith, we want to live by faith

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