Sunday, December 21, 2008


Here's some of the notes from this morning's message entitled "How Low Can You Go? We talked about how Jesus humbled Himself in coming to the earth. I know I went fast so you note-takers can get all the points and references:

Paul says in Philippians that Jesus not only was found in appearance as a man but that He humbled Himself even further by becoming obedient to death and even the death of the cross. But before we talk about the cross let’s talk about our Lord’s birth. Before we speak of Easter let’s talk about Christmas. We find Jesus was lowly all throughout His earthly life. Let’s identify some of the points of His life in this regard:

- Born in a manger – This was an animal feeding trough.

- But let’s go back even further. Think about it. Nine months before He was born, the divine Son of God was a single cell! He made Himself of no reputation (Phil 2:7). This means He emptied Himself of His privileges of deity.

- Born into poverty – His parents had no money to influence someone to give them a room. Later on they offered the poor sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves at the time of purification (Lu 2:24).

- Lived in a lowly town called Nazareth. (Mat 2:23)

- Lived in obscurity for thirty years (Lu 3:23)

- Was not educated (John 7:15).

- Chose humble disciples (Mat 4:18-22)

- Had no home (Lu 9:58)

- Did not promote Himself or showcase His signs (Mark 8:25-26)

- Rode on a donkey (Mat 21:7)

- Died in the most undignified way between two thieves (Mark 15:25-32)

- The soldiers gambled for the only piece of property He owned…His robe (John 19:23-24).

- He was laid in a borrowed grave (Lu 23:51-53)

- His spirit even went lower as His body lay in the grave - (Eph 4:9) (Now this, "He ascended"; what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?

(James 4:10) Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

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