Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Christmas tree - - - CHRISTmas tree

If you’re having a hard time seeing Jesus in the Christmas holiday, think about the following words to a song I wrote awhile back. Here’s to a great Christmas in Jesus!


Christmas is a time for some
To forget the Lord in all their fun
But I don't go for what they say
For I see Christ in this holiday

I see in the lights the Light of the world
And in the snow how His blood cleansed my soul
I see in the tree how He died for me
Yes, everywhere I see Christ in Christmas

Christmas is a time for some
To not decorate for fear of wrong
You respect a man for his private ways
But I see Christ in this holiday

I hear in the music the angels sing "Glory!"
The bells are to me are just ringing His story
I see in the gifts God sending His best
Yes, everywhere I see Christ in Christmas

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