Friday, December 19, 2008

Cesar leaving for Puerto Vallarta to serve the Lord

Cesar Rodriguez leaves for Mexico this Monday December 22 to serve the Lord at Calvary Chapel Puerto Vallarta. He will be a full time GO! missionary under the leadership of pastor Bill Martin. He is originally from this area and wants to go back home to be a light to his family and to reach out to all in the love of Christ. He's been saved a little over a year and was able to attend the six-week Mission Training School this past summer at CCNorco. Here he is pointing to where he will be in Mexico as he is standing with his Riverside Community College Christian Club friends. We will miss him but let's keep him in our prayers. Lord willing we will take a group down there for a week of outreach.

(Mark 16:20) And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

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