Monday, November 24, 2008


We had a blessed time at the Men's Retreat this past weekend at Alpine Christian Conference Center in Twin Peaks!

We studied the book of 1 Timothy. Our theme was ARE YOU A PILLAR? from the scripture: (1 Tim 3:15) but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

We had a nice meeting room all to ourselves and very conducive for study.

Roy Center teaching 1 Timothy 2.

Cesar leads worship Saturday morning.

Watch this video clip of Jeremy Britton teaching 1 Timothy 3. You'll see men eager for the study of God's Word!

Mike Harrison teaches 1 Timothy 4.

The fellowship keeps going inbetween the studies!

Yes, more food for the brothers at Lake Arrowhead Saturday afternoon.

Listen to the praise band playing Saturday night!

Ron Ayala and Steve Rice play-act a skit about witnessing to others. Ron was asking men to join the GO! Team door-to-door ministry on Saturday mornings.

Brother Michael Campbell was kind enough to share a few songs he had written. We discovered his giftings from the Lord at the Musician's Fellowship. He gives all glory to God!

Brother Tony Fasano did a good job with 1 Timothy 5.

More praise. These brothers love the Lord! After the Saturday night study we turned down the lights and had an Afterglow. We worshipped, had communion, and then just waited on the Lord. There were some great encouragements from the Lord that came forth. We spent a lot of time sharing our hearts and praying for each other. What a highlight!

I left for home a little before midnight to get ready for the Sunday morning services. I missed Jason Davitt sharing from the Word in 1 Timothy 6. Once I get some photos of him I'll be posting them. (Any brothers that have more pics of the retreat, please send them to me so I can post them!)

Thank-you Jesus for men who are pillars. Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to be that foundation and support in these last days!

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