Thursday, November 6, 2008

Calvary Chapel Living Water

Last night I had the privilege of sharing God's Word at Calvary Chapel Living Water in Corona at their midweek study. It was amazing how it all happened. In the morning I felt impressed to text pastor Jerry Simmons to just say hi and to give him a "God bless you." He texted me back and said hello and gave me a blessing as well. Four minutes later he texted again and said he had bronchitis and could I share at the Bible study that night. Isn't God amazing? It really taught me to always be ready to serve the Lord.

(1 Pet 3:15) ... always be ready...

By the way, Calvary Chapel Living Water is a great church with a very loving body and they are doing so much for missions. We have so much in common as well as being on a corner! God bless you all at Living Water!!

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