Friday, October 10, 2008


Recently Cheryl and I were driving around town doing errands. We eventually got hungry and I asked Cheryl what she was in the mood for. She said fish and chips and recommended a nearby restaraunt. When we pulled in there was a car show going on in the parking lot. Wow, were there some beautiful old cars on display and the typical oldies music was setting a casual atmosphere. But the funny thing was the lady at the entry booth thought I was there to enter my '66 Mustang. She said if I entered we'd get a 25% discount on the meal. She had me sign in and gave me a sticker with an entry number for my front windshield. After I stuck it on we went in to eat and about laughed our heads off!

You see, only God could do something like that. People forever have been saying I should show my car. Though that has been an inviting proposition I've always been busy with life. You know, I could never justify the time spent on myself when I have a family and flock to serve. Now without pursuing that personal ambition God blesses me beyond what I could have imagined! And to get a discount meal on top of it!

No doubt God has a sense of humor and likes to bless His children and make them laugh!

(Gen 21:6) And Sarah said, "God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me."

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