Monday, June 28, 2010


Today we reached the Adventure Learning Center in the southeast corner of New Providence, Nassau, Bahamas. It’s where nine of our GO! Missionaries serve. It was so great to meet them one by one after we arrived. We took a quick tour of the grounds and then showed us our accommodations adjacent to the property. Then one of the GO! Missionaries knocked on our door and we had a nice time of getting acquainted and then prayer together.

The week is going to be busy as each day we are linking up with a different GO! missionary and observing and serving in their particular ministry.

I’ll have more pics for you tomorrow for sure so check back!

Thanks for your prayers. And don’t forget to check out the Adventure Learning Center webpage to learn more about this awesome ministry.


(Acts 10:4) …"Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.


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